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5 Tips On How to Prepare for Grade 10 Math

As students move farther along into their high school years, it is time for them to begin to consider where they would like to be in the future. In order to ensure that students are on the right path for their future, they need to make sure they are doing well in school, as education is often a key component to success. It is often found that students who had much ease with success in school, begin to have some difficulties in their success in high school, including in grade 10 math. There are multiple reasons why this could be happening such as poor study habits, lack of focus and increase in difficulty in material. Many times, students rely on their natural ability for success, however this may not be enough to maintain their good grades in high school. In order to set your student up for success, continue reading for all of our tips and tricks to success in grade 10 math.

1. Review Grade 9 Concepts

One way to provide a leg up for success is by reviewing previously taught concepts. Often times as tests are completed and math units are finished, students forget about those concepts and focus on other things. However, it is wise to continue to practice and review the skills being taught, even though the unit may be over at school. By reviewing previously taught concepts, such as those in grade 9 math, this provides a solid foundation of understanding for your student therefore, making it easier to tack on new ideas and concepts in grade 10 as your student already has a solid foundation of understanding. We highly suggest continuing to review previously taught concepts as a way of ensuring success in grade 10 math.

2. Take a look at the Curriculum Expectations

The math curriculum expectations can be found online. Taking a look at what concepts will be taught and expanded upon is a great way to prepare for the upcoming year in grade 10 math. Especially if there are areas in the subject that previously gave your child a hard time, this allows them to ensure they review the previously learned concept in order to build a stronger foundation for the upcoming new information. Math curriculum expectations are laid out neatly, with examples of what information will be taught, reviewing these expectations allows your child to understand the areas of importance and the expectations that teacher’s will have when grading your student’s work.

3. Understand and Master what is being Taught

Although for some math exercises in grade 10, students can get away with memorizing formulas or mathematical procedures, this does not always lead to successful outcomes. It is important for students to understand why they are applying certain procedures when completing their work. This allows students to extend their knowledge of the concepts across multiple problems and math tasks presented to them. Simply memorizing a formula or procedure in one area of the unit does not guarantee success across other areas of the unit. There are large amounts of math formulas and operations, understanding when and why to use it, is a key component to math success in grade 10. At Success Tutorial School, we emphasize the importance of understanding why we use certain procedures and operations in math.

4. Seek Additional Support from a Math Tutor

Sometimes, students can work very hard, concentrate and put in effort, however they may still be struggling with concepts. Often, teachers are not available to provide one on one support for their students, thus students that are in need of support begin to fall behind. Providing your child with a math tutor is a great way to give them the one on one support they may need. They can review concepts and focus on areas where your student may be struggling. Additionally, math tutors can always go above and beyond the concepts that are currently being taught and extend your child’s learning into the following year of curriculum, preparing your child for next year. At Success Tutorial School we aim to bridge any gaps and advance your child in their learning and their success.

5. Practice makes perfect

A great way to create a confident student in grade 10 math, is to practice, practice and practice. Having students review their work, evaluations and math exercises allows them to refine their skills- especially reviewing any errors made. There is a teaching technique called spiralling- which is essentially just reviewing math concepts throughout the year instead of teaching the unit once, providing the evaluation and not coming back to it that year. At Success Tutorial School, we recommend that your student spirals through math concepts, reviewing the concepts repeatedly throughout the year.

Here at Success Tutorial School, we understand the need for math reinforcement. We aim to build confident and competent math learners, focusing on bridging any gaps students may have in their learning. Provide your child with the extra support and confidence boost they may need for success in grade 10 math, by enrolling them into our math program! With 29 years of experience we will provide your child the tools they need to succeed. Call us at our following locations: SCARBOROUGH: (416) 412-3170 – RICHMOND HILL: (905) 709-9819 – MARKHAM: (905) 471-3131 for more information.

December 6, 2021
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