As a parent, your child’s success is likely at the forefront of your mind. Parents do what they can to set their child up for success in academics, sports, friendships and so on. When students start falling behind at school, it is often difficult to get them back on track, especially the farther they fall behind. Prevent your child from facing academic struggles by setting them up for success! Here at Success Tutorial School we have compiled a list of 12 ways to set your child up for success at school and help them stay ahead!
Prepare Your Child for the School Day
An important factor in setting your child up for success at school is to ensure they are prepared each and every day for school. This includes making sure they have had enough sleep the night before, as well as a healthy breakfast and meals at school. Students who are well rested and well fed have an easier time of concentrating at school and completing their tasks to the best of their ability!
Teach Your Child Study Skills
Studying does not necessarily come naturally to most children. Providing them with the tools to study effectively, will help them succeed. Some tools include reviewing sections of work one at a time throughout the course of a few days, instead of trying to do it all at once. Also, going through old lecture notes and activities in order to consolidate previously taught information and concepts. Another method of studying is creating questions about the material they are reviewing to test their own knowledge. Providing your child with the skills to study effectively will allow them to find more success at school.
Support with Homework
Not every child has the confidence or initiative to seek help when needed, especially when it comes to homework. They may even choose to complete it quickly and ineffectively, just so it appears to be completed and they can move on to a different activity. Take time review homework with your child to make sure they are on the right track and understand the content at hand. This habit of reviewing and supporting with homework will allow your child to feel like they are capable of completing tasks they do not understand, and they will likely try their best as they know you will be reviewing it with them later.
Find a Suitable Tutor
As students get older, and content becomes more detailed and difficult, it may be challenging for you as the parent to provide appropriate support. Finding a good tutor can truly aid in your child’s learning and comprehension of a subject. Not only will this help in keeping your child on track, it could also help them advance in school. If your child feels confident in a specific concept, the tutor can always move forward in the unit and concepts so that your child has a leg up before it being taught at school. Here at Success Tutorial School our educators prioritize your child’s learning and their success, providing areas of support as they need as well as challenges when students are feeling confident in the task at hand.
Teach Your Child Time Management Skills
One of the best skills to instill upon your child is time management. Using work time effectively allows children to have spare time for themselves to complete the activities that they love. If they do not have time management skills, it is likely that they may choose to do other activities and leave their work until the last moment. This creates increased stress and difficulties when completing work and does not allow them to work at their full potential. Therefore, providing your child with the skills to manage their time effectively, will help them focus and relax when it is time to complete their work.
Make a Schedule
With the importance of teaching children how to effectively manage their time, it is best to create a schedule for your child. Creating solid morning and evening routines allows your child to develop more independence in their tasks as they know what task to do complete and when to complete it. It is especially important to create a schedule if your child partakes in any programs or extra-curriculars after school. Providing them with a set window of time that they have to follow through with work, allows them to build those skills in completing schoolwork effectively and demonstrates the importance of time-management.
Check in with your Child
Some children are very open to seeking help and support, whereas others may not. It is important to check in with your child on how their schoolwork is going. Have conversations with them about what they are learning and ask them to show you their schoolwork. This keeps them accountable for completing their schoolwork to the best of their ability, as they know their parent may want to see the work. Another method is to ask your student to teach you the material. One of the best ways to consolidate and understand information, is to teach another person. This will allow your child to further understand the material and gain confidence in themselves and their learning.
Communicate with the Teacher
It is always best to have open communication with your child’s teacher. Your child may come home and share that they aren’t having any struggles academically, however the teacher may say differently. Parents and teachers are both key factors in student success, when they work together, they can help your child become more successful as school. As a parent, you have insight into your child, their habits, strengths and weaknesses. Sharing this with teachers can help them use learning and teaching strategies that are useful for your child. Additionally, teachers can provide insight on what is happening at school. They can share areas of struggles and things that the student can work on, in order to improve their work. Communicating with your child’s teacher can provide insight for you, the student and the teacher which will allow your child to perform to the best of their abilities.
Check the syllabus
Another method to prepare your child, is to check the syllabus. This allows your child to know what to expect throughout the year and be prepared. Often, concepts that are taught in the beginning of the semester are being built upon for the remainder of the semester, therefore it is important that your child thoroughly understands the concepts being taught in order to continue to succeed in that subject area. Checking the syllabus allows your child to prepare themselves for the following concepts, as well as allows them to keep track of important dates such as assignments, tests and exams.
Attend Parent-Teacher Interviews
Much like keeping communication open with teachers, it is also a good idea to attend parent-teacher interviews. This is a time where teachers really prepare to communicate with each parent about how their child is doing, they may even show examples of their work and provide additional insight into your child’s learning and daily activities. It is always best to attend parent-teacher interviews in order to help your child be successful and remain successful at school.
School Council Groups
Joining the school council as a parent is a great way to gain insight into how the school is being operated and what areas of focus they are working on. It is also a good time to advocate as a parent for not only your child, but all of the children at the school. Parents, teachers and administration can work together to create the ideal environment for every child to succeed, including your child.
Prioritize Mental Health
Schoolwork and academic success are very important, however mental health needs to be a priority as well. As parents, we want the best for our children and for them to be successful in school, however we cannot expect students to be their best if they are not feeling their best. Have a conversation with your child about their mental health and ask how you can best support them. If they are not feeling their best mentally, then we cannot expect them to perform at their best. Sometimes all it takes is a conversation and feeling supported, other times it could be taking a day off of school to relax and take a break. It is always best to prioritize mental health and ensure that your child is feeling like they are able to focus and complete their school tasks, as well as take necessary breaks as needed.
As a parent there are many ways to support your child and their learning. Prioritizing their schoolwork, creating time management skills, hiring a tutor and focusing on mental health are all great ways to provide support for your child. Here at Success Tutorial School we understand that not all parents are equipped with the knowledge in order to academically support every subject area, especially as they become increasingly difficult. Provide your child with academic support by enrolling them into a tutor program such as Math, Science, English, French or Creative Writing programs found at Success Tutorial School, where we aim to bridge any gaps in your child’s learning! With 29 years of experience we will provide your child the tools they need to succeed this year.